Because I'm constantly travelling to and from work I find it hard to get the time to play many video games anymore with the exception of those I desperately want to play (Sun and Moon hype anybody?) So as an alternative I thought I would share my favourite Kawaii app games that I play each week, to give you a cute present to play on your way to work.

This week it's 10 Billion Wives by Masukachi Inc. Because why choose monogamy when you're full of Chibi cuteness? (10 Billion Husbands is also available).

The goal of the game is to collect 'Wives' using 'Love' points which are gained over time from the wives you currently have. This is called 'LPS' or 'Love Per Second' which depends on her initial 'LPS', level and what presents the player has bought her. These can be achieved at lvl.20, 100 and 120. You can also gain love through tapping, this starts at 1 love but increases with upgrades you can buy later on. There are sixteen unlockable wives.

I'm currently sat at 8 wives. For the time I've been playing on my breaks I think that's fairly good, the brilliant thing about this game is the speed 'Love' is gained. It scales well depending on the level of your wives, how many you have, how far you've got in the game and their gifts. So to begin with you only need 1,000 Love for a level which progresses to 10,000,000 Love for a level later in the game. 

It's cute to see your wives running across the screen (some faster than others, ONI Wife I'm looking at you! I couldn't capture her in a screenshot). The variation of the wives is an appealing part of the game, it's nice to see so many different characters and in a strange way it's nice to see so many different people represented in their hobbies etc. 

The game provides an easy tutorial mode that I pretty much skipped through, it wasn't difficult to figure out how the game worked. Because it's so straight forward it is addictive, you can find yourself tapping away until your love runs out and you're forced to wait. But than in itself is what keeps you coming back for more.

The game also gives you the option to receive notifications. This is handy to find out when you can meet another wife, meaning you don't have to be constantly glued to the game to see how much 'Love' you have. The game is free on iOS and Android devices. An easy option if you just want to pass the time with some visual cuteness and simple methods.

Sophie <3
Twitter: @nosophienoblog
Snapchat: nixonlsophie
Business Email: nixonlsophie@gmail.com
(Images courtesy of 10 Billion Wives by Masukachi Inc.)

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19 year old liver of life delivering you quirky readings on lifestyle topics, anime and all round cuteness on a regular, or as regular as I can, basis. Twitter: @nosophienoblog