19 Facts About Me + Drawing Chibi Me!

If you aren't already familiar with Chibi Art (if not, look it up!) then behold it's enormous cuteness. Chibi makes everything small and cute, with the head usually out of proportion to the body. And after watching a few too many Chibi videos (and realising it's probably about time I stopped being a stranger to all of you) I thought I'd do a quick Chibi Drawing/Sketch of me and tell you 19 facts about myself to represent the 19 years I've been alive!

1. I love Thai food.
2. I work as a Waitress/Front of House team member at a pub.
3. I'm naturally a dark ash blonde but I like to bleach it lighter.
4. My favourite movie of all time is Spirited Away.
5. I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder but I don't let it get me down.
6. My dream is to travel to Japan someday.
7. Speaking of which I'm going to Amsterdam next year with my close family.
8. My favourite song (currently) is LA Devotee by Panic at the Disco.
9. I've been single for a month now.
10. My favourite anime is No Game No Life!
11. I have an addiction to LUSH.
12. I own a car called Poppy.
13. I don't generally drink a lot of alcohol.
14. So far what I've enjoyed the most about blogging is the community.
15. My favourite Youtuber is probably Noodlerella.
16. I prefer painting over anything else art wise.
17. I did History, English Language and Philosophy at A Level (Achieved ABB)
18. I didn't go to Uni because I prefer working currently.
19. My favourite TV Show is Versailles (I'm a history nerd)

Thank you for reading, I've enjoyed sharing some little facts about myself and I always want to know about you guys and what you'd like to see more of. I've got a lot planned for November. If you loved this then give it a share, follow me on Twitter or comment something you want to see.

Big love!

Sophie <3 

Twitter : @nosophienoblog
Snapchat: nixonlsophie
Contact email: nixonlsophie@gmail.com

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19 year old liver of life delivering you quirky readings on lifestyle topics, anime and all round cuteness on a regular, or as regular as I can, basis. Twitter: @nosophienoblog